Douglas Wyatt Publishes Debut Book Holy Cow: The Miracle of Life’s First Food

Douglas Wyatt announces the publication of his debut book, “Holy Cow: The Miracle of Life’s First Food”. The aim of Wyatt’s new book is to introduce bovine colostrum to wellness-minded people who may be suffering with leaky gut or facing long-term immune challenges.

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Douglas Wyatt Publishes Debut Book Holy Cow

“My love for Kay, and the desire to help her heal inspired my tenacity to bring bovine colostrum to more people. It is my lifelong dream to educate as many people as I can on the root causes of disease and the healing qualities of mammalian’s first food source, colostrum.”


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Douglas Wyatt of Vibrant Life Initiative: How To Grow Your Business or Brand By Writing A Book

Be Not Afraid: Be not afraid to ask for assistance when promoting your book. For me — having hearing loss from flying helicopters in the Marine Corps — I dreaded a noisy, book signing. But once I explained my hesitation, the event organizer was able to make accommodations to ensure the best possible acoustics.

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Vigorous, accessible advocacy for nutritional therapy and a possible method to achieve optimal health outcomes.

A guide touts the controversial medical benefits of bovine colostrum.

In this book’s opening statement, Wyatt asserts that modern medicine is due for some fundamental changes in the way it’s taught and practiced in America. He writes that the misuse and overuse of medications lead to drug abuse and that a “return to basics and common sense” is very much in order. The author believes in the power of the “living, breathing pharmaceutical factory” known as the cow to deliver the lifesaving antibacterial and antiviral properties found in bovine colostrum, a unique, bioactive dairy secretion from the animal’s udders during the first few days after giving birth.

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